On the road

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Lake Shelbyville

We left Michigan and drove back into Indiana and went back to the campground we had already stayed in Indiana for a couple days. Then we headed for Illinois. We stayed at a corps. of Engineer park on lake Shelbyville.It was a nice campground with large spots and full hookups.  It was only  $12 a night with America the beautiful. The internet connection was very slow it was hard to even read your mail. We had some phone service .We went to Shelbyville where we saw the courthouse that Abraham Lincoln practiced law in.

This is the Lincoln public square.Where the eternal flame houses the soldiers &  sailors monument. We went to a goat tower that was quiet fascinating .It was made out of 5000 bricks and stood 31 feet tall and had 376 spiral stairs case all around it. The only one in the U.S. It was modeled out of a magazine from south Africa. We went to the Lake Shelbyville Dam and visitor center. It had a beautiful deck looking out over part of the lake. The patio was cement and  had deer and raccoon tracks in it .They had a very nice visitor center. We went to see the cemetery were  Thomas Abraham Lincoln and his wife were berried. (Abraham Lincolns dad and step mom)It was very interesting. Then we went to see the farm Thomas Abraham Lincoln owned down the road. It is a state Historic Site
Thomas Abraham Lincoln house
. They had a short film and then you could walk around the farm. They had people dressed as they lived and worked of the farm . It was a very interesting part of our history. We were not far from another Amish settlement here in Illinois. We saw many wagons headed for the fields .
Amish going to his field to work
Then we saw the buggies moving around the country side. They grow a lot of corn, soy beans and saw some fields full of pumpkins in this area. Charlie and I went into a Amish furniture store where they had some beautiful furniture. We enjoyed looking at how much hard work they put into it. The fall colors are starting to come out and the leaves are very pretty. We left there and headed for Kentucky. More to come.

Old house we thought was neat

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