On the road

Sunday, September 25, 2011


When we left Kentucky we went down The Trace (Land between the Lakes). It was a very nice drive we might have seen a couple cars on the road all the way down. You go into Tennessee before you get to the end.  

 We went buy a large prairie full of Bison just laying around in the field. We are in western Tennessee area. We have friends here we met in Arizona, Don and Jan. They were our good neighbors for 4 months we enjoyed their friendship very much.

They took us out for lunch it was sure nice to see them again. They drove us around took us to some of their  lakes. Jan and I went into a store and we bought a few things. We have a lot of the same interest we sure enjoyed them. 

Tennessee has a lot of cotton fields here in this area. They have a lot of cotton on them right now. We would have liked to seen them harvest some to see how it is done.
Cotton field
 I am not sure when they harvest the cotton. 
old homestead in the of a soy bean field
  They have soy bean fields and some corn fields too. They also have a lot of vines growing called kudzu. It grows on the ground and up into the trees .
Kudzu vines
 It is kind of pretty to look at but I can see where it could get out of control if not monitored. It is still strange to us a lot of states have large grass lawns that seem to go on for ever but they don’t have to water them with all the humidity just mow them. They get enough rain and humidity  for their crops too .Not like us we have to water  in central Oregon. The tree are starting to turn the fall colors. You can tell we are starting the fall season in these areas. Farmers are putting pumpkins and mums out for sale by the road sides We put out our  humming bird feeder in our camp sight.  We have two humming birds fighting over the feeder. They seem to be smaller birds than some we have come across. They sure are beautiful.  We are in a nice  park called Natchez Trace State park. It is a very big campground it has 4 lakes in the park and has 4 campgrounds and a group lodge, and 2  other lodges. They have a store ,restaurant, stables, cabins, etc .
Pin Oak Lake
 Natchez Trace State Park is named for the famous “Natchez to Nashville”  highway , an important wilderness road during the early 18th century. Western spur of The Trace ran through a portion of what is now the park. This State park is not like any other state park we have been to with its size and  amenities . It has a lot of kudzu vines growing along the road a couple look like elephants.  This park is a first -come basis. The group lodge takes reservations and this park is open all year around. We are in the campground called Pin Oak. It is on the Pin Oak Lake. The lake is very pretty.

Pin Oak Lake

I have seen a couple people fishing but didn’t see them catch anything. We are headed to Mississippi. More to come .


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