On the road

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Back on the road

We left Lake Charles March 12th . We were there for 5 months. We enjoyed our stay. It feels nice to be back on the road I always enjoy all the new places and new things to see.

Our first two nights back on the road was out of Jefferson Texas. Corps of Engineers park on Lake O’ The Pines. It was a very pretty campground / lake and we were lucky to get a spot there as spring break had just started . We drove around and went to the dam. There were a number of people fishing and I saw a man with some crappie.

They were quite large and real thick would have liked to catch some of them and eat them. We were leaving the next day so we didn‘t do any fishing.

Lake Texoma

We drove into Oklahoma where we stayed at another Engineer park on Lake Texoma for 6 nights. It was close to Durant Oklahoma. We saw all kinds of horse statues in the town and some were made with scrap medal. 

 One looked like a Ford tailgate. I have been walking the campground to try to get some needed exercise. It is a nice park overlooking the lake.Where there are some pretty sunsets.  

 We stayed a extra day as a storm was coming from the direction we were headed. It had lightning and thunder so loud it scared you out of bed then the endless rain. The host came down to tell us that if a tornado came to come wake him and he would unlock the bathrooms. Why he just didn‘t unlock them for the people I don’t know. Well I am very thankful one didn’t come and the news said we could get some hail the size of golf balls. Glad it went some where else. Reba and I didn’t get much sleep that night. I had my nose to the window and Reba walked the 5th wheel. The next day I was ready to get on the road but Charlie told me the news said there was more storm to come. I wanted to crawl in a hole. Well he looked it up on the internet it looked like it was gone. So we got on the road, thank goodness!
We then drove to Vernon, Texas where I was a able to do the laundry and get a good night sleep.

Then back on the road. We are in Amarillo Texas for a week now and have some things to see. More to come. Ginny

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