On the road

Sunday, March 25, 2012


We are in Amarillo Texas. We stayed a week at Amarillo Ranch RV park. It is a very nice RV park with a indoor heated pool and hot tub. I have taken advantage of the pool.
We went to the Big Texan and had a nice dinner. We rode in the limo from the RV park.
Charlie had a nice steak and I had BBQ pork ribs. The food was fantastic. It was a lot of fun. They have a 72oz steak and trimmings, if you eat it in a hour you get it free. There is a camera on the person eating and you can watch it on your computer. Well Charlie called his friend John and he turned on his computer so he could see Charlie on stage with a napkin that said hi John.It was a lot of fun. We took some pictures.

 We both sat in a extra big rocking chair and got our picture taken,
you know things are bigger in Texas.

 We took home enough food for a couple meals. Then Charlie went down and got some Rocky Mt Oysters a couple days later.

We went to the Palo Duro Canyon State Park. It is 120 miles long and 800 feet deep and is the second-largest canyon in the United States.

 Palo Duro Canyon State park is more than 30,000 acres One of the nations most magnificent scenic byways. We enjoyed the vistas of color and beauty. The different geologic layers of beautiful colors.

We went to Amarillo Zoo. It was a small zoo.


 It was very clean and well taken care of. We saw some Fantastic animals. One of my favorites was a Serral cat.

 Well I am a cat lover so there were Bobcats, Tigers, Lions, Lioness, Wallaby’s, Black handed spider monkeys and lots more. It was a lot of fun.
We also went to a Cadillac Ranch.

 The worlds only! Ten Cadillac’s buried nose down in a field at the same angle as the Cheops Pyramid.

They are in a farmers field and you can paint them all you want. People were all over the place painting all kinds of things on them.
We will be headed toward Kansas. More to come.

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