On the road

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Friend I met in the camp

When we left Amarillo we went by an oil refinery.


 There was a smell of oil in the air, I really didn‘t like it. Guess you would get use to it. We have seen oil wells and oil towers in fields in 3 or 4 states now. We smelled a lot of stock yards on our way through Texas. Also there were a lot of dead skunks killed along the road. Glad we didn’t hit one. We saw some antelope in some fields too. I even saw a coyote. We went through some of Kansas flat lands where you could see for miles and miles. We finally drove out of the flat lands and into areas where they had small hill sides a lot prettier areas with trees and nice farms. We saw one field that had cow elk in it. Not sure if they were raising them or if they were wild.

                              Cheney Reservoir

We camped over night at Cheney Reservoir. It was a pretty Reservoir. Not very many people around. The water was not turned on yet. But they did have power. They had some beautiful bright pink trees in bloom there.

We left there and stopped for a break in a parking lot. It was a good thing as one of our tires looked low. Charlie kicked it and the air started coming out. We had to change it. Just feel so lucky we were off the road and didn’t have a blow out.

Sunset in Kansas
 We found a nice campground down the road to stay a few days and check on tires. We went into Topeka Kansas and found some tires.We will get new tires for the fifth wheel on our way out of town. While in Topeka Kansas we went to the capitol.

going to the capital building

 It is a very pretty building and I went inside and looked around. They are working on it and some parts were blocked off.Lots of brass inside.

white lilac bush

cherry blossoms
 The tulips and some other flowers and trees are in bloom. This year has ot warmer for different parts of the country. My dad was born in Caldwell Kansas in 1926 and moved to Idaho/Oregon area when he was 9. He told us girls about having a tornado shelter on the farm he was raised on and how he hated to run in there when a storm came.
They have one in this park.

Tornado shelter in campground

 Back on the road more to come . Ginny

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