On the road

Monday, April 9, 2012


Before we left Kansas we had to get new tires for the fifth wheel. I thank my lucky stars we didn’t have a blow out just a flat.

 When leaving Kansas we passed through the town Amelia Earhart was born (Atchison Kansas). We crossed a Big bridge across the Missouri river that was pretty scary.

scary bridge
 It’s a good thing they are building a new one. We didn’t spend to much time in Missouri. We drove through the top part into a few towns. Missouri was hit pretty hard by a tornado a while back and decided not to go through a big part. Some of the farm lands were very uneven. They were farming up and down the side of hills. We saw houses that were built right in the side of the hill. The roof on one side was level to the ground.

house built in the hillside
 One side had windows but the other didn‘t. I didn’t pay enough attention to see if they were all facing the same direction. I am sure that is to help from being taken away by a tornado. We have been traveling in tornado alley and I keep my fingers crossed the storm stay away.

We stayed at Lake of three fires in Iowa. It is a very large state park. I have walked all around the place. I saw many white tail deer but they were so fast I didn’t get my camera working before they were gone. I walked up pretty close to a goose on her nest so I backed up before she took after me.

 They have lots of red squirrels here but they run off before you have a chance to get there picture but I fooled one after he was in the tree.

Little Wall Lake Iowa
   We have been seeing so many things it is unbelievable. We drove to a lake called Little Wall Lake.

 It is a nice lake and a lot of people coming to fish. I took a picture of a man who caught a nice bass.

The man in the part with a bass he caught
We were going to get our license and try our luck but the park doesn’t have any garbage service. You pack your own trash out. Well we decided that might not be a good idea to pack out fish heads they might get smelly. We were about 5 miles from a friend of ours Kathy. We met in Alamo Texas. We surprised her and she told us she didn’t think she would ever see us again. We had her over for supper and we went to her house a couple days later for a BBQ. It was a nice visit and she has a nice house. We had a great visit.

Kathy and her Kitty
We had a large limousine come through the park it was unusual don‘t know who or what it was all about.

I saw a snake while on a walk and my heart skipped a beat or two but it was dead thank goodness. I looked it up I think it was a garter snake but a snake is a snake in my book. Back on the road.

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